6 Months RemixVR Update

It's been six months since we started working on RemixVR. The time has come to look back and see what we have done.

When we started to develop RemixVR six months ago, we wanted to make an easily accessible VR content for classrooms that was built over open web standards.

Today, after six months, we have come a long way.

Let's look at what we have created.

VR Experiences

At the heart of RemixVR, there are VR Experiences that can be created using templates and shared in classrooms.

The VR experiences can be created as a standalone or they can be created from what we call VR templates and can be shared on the platform.

The VR templates are the basic abstract form of VR experiences, that can be used to create different VR experiences.

Currently, the user needs to update the code to create VR experiences from the templates.

In the future, we hope to include a GUI way of creating VR experiences from the templates.

There were 4 main VR templates that we created during this period.

Bohr model

Viewing Bohr model of atoms in periodic table is something we created after seeing it's application in the classrooms.

You're presented with a periodic table. Once you select an item from the periodic table, the Bohr model is updated along with it.


This is the VR template used to view and interact with objects in VR. This can be used to show and share anything in VR.


Adding effects with 360 images is one of other experiences we made. With this template, you can select a 360 image and choose rain or snow effects.


One of the frequently used application used in VR is to create virtual tour with 360 images. This template was created to do just that.

Documentation of templates

Adding documentation on how to use the templates was one of the other goals we had to tackle. RemixVR Docs was created for this purpose.


We're also working on the backend for the project to support uploading of new VR experiences and templates. It'll also help with remixing of exiting VR experiences and to create classroom curriculums.

This is also one of the areas where we're facing a challenge. We're working on to create a working backend as soon as possible.


We had also setup a website for RemixVR. Currently it hosts a single page to share what it does and the link to Github.

We're working on a version of the website which will allow you to login and use the VR experiences directly on the browser. This will work with the backend to upload, display and share VR templates and experiences.

What's next

We'll be continuing our work on VR templates. Our plan is to have a variety of VR templates that can be used to create more VR experiences. These VR experiences can then be used in the classroom curriculum.

We're working with educators to create a list of ideas for these VR experiences.

We will also be spending more time making sure the backend and the website works properly to make it easy for the users to use and share the VR experiences.

We'll also be producing more content to help others get into VR development and also create curriculums around VR content.

We hope to build RemixVR into a platform of VR experiences that can be used and shared across the world.